torsdag 7 mars 2013

Shedding the Weight
a poem by Ariana Pritchett
We walk through this earth collecting things:
Trinkets and Neighbors
Appointments and Tupperware
Bank statements and Self-defeating thoughts

Each one clinging to us for dear life and stuck on with amazing magnetic force.

Let them go.

It’s easy to get attached, and find comfort in the excess
Easy to find safety in the chaos
All your stuff swirling and clinging until you are completely covering the most important Thing in your life,


And your light tries to shine out

And the divine tries to shine in

But it is hard to find a crack or a crevice to get through with all that crap stuck to you.

And so you feel all alone with all your stuff.

Alone with your roles and tasks
Alone with your acquaintances and bakesales
Alone with your birthday parties and 15 black dresses circa 1994

You can let it go.

Shed the weight
Create the space
Bring in the divine and shine your light.

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